- thick myofilament
- толстый миофиламент
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
Myofilament — Latin myofilamentum Code TH H2 … Wikipedia
thick filament — n a myofilament of one of the two types making up myofibrils that is 10 to 12 nanometers (100 to 120 angstroms) in width and is composed of the protein myosin compare THIN FILAMENT … Medical dictionary
myofilament — myo·fil·a·ment fil ə mənt n one of the individual filaments of actin or myosin that make up a myofibril * * * myo·fila·ment (mi″o filґə mənt) [myo + filament] any of the numerous ultramicroscopic threadlike structures occurring in … Medical dictionary
thick filaments — bipolar myosin filaments, 12–14 nm in diameter and 1.6 μm in length, occurring in striated muscle; the term may also be used to denote filaments, often much shorter, occurring elsewhere. See also myofilament … Medical dictionary
muscle — muscleless, adj. muscly, adj. /mus euhl/, n., v., muscled, muscling, adj. n. 1. a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. 2. an organ, composed of muscle tissue, that contracts to produce a… … Universalium
Titin — The three dimensional structure of a type I module from titin. PDB rendering based on 1bpv … Wikipedia
Myosin — Part of the myosin II structure. Atoms in the heavy chain are colored red on the left hand side, and atoms in the light chains are colored orange and yellow. Myosins comprise a family of ATP dependent motor proteins and are best known for their… … Wikipedia
Sliding filament model — Ratchet mechanism redirects here (it is the name given in some textbooks to the sliding filament mechanism). For the mechanical device, see Ratchet (device) The sliding filament theory describes a process used by muscles to contract. It was… … Wikipedia
Actin — G Actin (PDB code: 1j6z). ADP and the divalent cation are highlighted … Wikipedia
Histology — Not to be confused with Historiography. A stained histologic specimen, sandwiched between a glass microscope slide and coverslip, mounted on the stage of a light microscope … Wikipedia
Myofibril — 1. Axon 2. Neuromuscular junction 3. Muscle fiber 4. Myofibril Latin myofibrilla MeSH … Wikipedia